Magical mountains -2

A peep into the wonderland - the seven sisters of Northeast

I experienced that wonderful bonding  that is typical of women as they went in and out of the fellow travellers' (and new friends) rooms checking on their well being or helping about hot water or simply to share something! My friend, after a day's rest was ready to face the next day (We had to leave the place to get down to the plains, anyhow.)
However, some of the most striking places are either near Cherrapunji like Mawsynram or at least 80 to 90 km from Shillong to the cleanest village -  Mawlynnong (which would take the whole day inching along the winding mountain roads.

So we decided to visit Don Bosco Museum. (Shillong abounds in museums; the main theme in this museum would be the tribal culture and anthropology).

We can learn a couple of things from these people as how to cherish our culture and aesthetically display our artefacts in our museum here.    
Are you a history buff or dreaming to make a name in social and cultural anthropology? Do you consider yourself an enthusiastic student of sociology or simply love art in any form? DB Museum is the place for you! Here I should admit my mistake of having a preconceived notion (absolutely baseless!). 
With least expectation, i entered the place. 
Am I in for a wonderful surprise ,My god! From the person who received us at the entrance and gave an introduction to the museum and instructions as how we should go about the visit (yes, you are right!), the persons in charge of each floor - they impressed me with their dedication and sincerity to their cultural identity and job.
There are seven floors - each connected to the other by seven steps; each gallery or section is for one theme or idea like the evolution of early man in this region, the linguistic charts and locating the northeastern languages within Tibeto-Burman/Indo-Aaryan or Austro-Asiatic languages or an entire section showing the livelihood of the different tribes and the natural resources of the region. So we have interesting viewing in galleries like 'housing patterns gallery, 'Our neighbours gallery' or galleries exclusively for weapons, costumes and ornaments and hunting and gathering. 

You never feel the strain of climbing up; then you move out to the terrace (Sky-walk)to view the entire Shillong city with the important land marks. We need to move around in a circular path and the view is breath taking (literally also for me as heights make me feel as though the ground beneath my feet is slipping away due to my vertigo.) Still, the occasional icy rain drops and the nose-tickling cold was invigorating. 

Every section has touch screen computer which we can open and select what we want to know about. The galleries were a visual treat and the related information has been aesthetically placed for us to read and appreciate. different kinds of cultural artefacts, paintings, photos, life-like models of their houses and still others showcase the rich indigenous culture. All the items showcased are supported adequately with information displayed alongside. The teacher in me was excited about the different possibilities of using the museum to create effortless learning. 
I came to know later that it is part of the mission of DBCIC (Don Bosco Centre for Indigenous Cultures) - emphasising the concept of museum in education. 

Image result for pictures of Don Bosco museum
 The short film - (a musical?) titled 'Mist and magic was really magical and it resonated with me. 
And then the icing was a quick shopping experience in their souvenir centre which acted like a potent shot of local toddy - hit us straight! 
Tea, pickles, key chains, magnets, shawls, bamboo crafted items and so the list goes on. Going around, touching and feeling the goods even if you don't buy can also take you on a trip. 
All through our travel and visits, there was that wonderful rain that accompanied us like a helpful local friend! 
We visited the Orchidarium (a recent addition, I believe); the cold was a bit too much, so we heard; so, many of the plants are struggling to bloom. (Of the 1250 species of orchids found in India, Meghalaya is credited to be home for about 300 species.)
We went by the Ward's Lake, looking at the walking trails around it. In a similar way, we went to the Golf Course just to soak in the cool hilly climate and look to our heart;s content the vast open space, undulating hills and slopes covered with that lush green carpet! For the golf lovers there! the golf course here is an eighteen hole course and one of the oldest; it is considered the best in the world.
We went northwards from Shillong and reached a view point to view Umiam Lake. We could see boats on the lakefront. We heard that there are lot of activities like boating, kayaking and others. Far away, we could see a castle like building on the other side - may be a high end resort. But, what is stopping us from imagining and dreaming about our time there! Many of us shared it aloud and it was a lovely dream! Then once again, we squeezed into our mini van and started our long drive back to Guwahati. 
We followed the same pattern, driving through the day, catching a quick lunch (not all the time! I wrote it because it sounded efficient and business like!!) and reaching our destination by late evening just in time for dinner. 
As we were entering the city, cutting through busy streets, there was a hum of excitement in the van. All of us looking outside at the vegetable and fruit vendors went nuts! The spread of pumpkins, potato, greens, cabbage and so many fruits almost pulled us out onto the road!
It is to the lap of Ma Kamakhya once again and some more of Guwahati for the next two days. 

கருத்துகள் இல்லை:

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  प्रश्नः,  प्रश्न , 'கேள்வி ,  ചോദ്യം (chodyam), 'Prashna' - ప్రశ్న, প্রশ্ন, प्रश्नः,  प्रश्न , ಪ್ರಶ್ನೆ( Praśne ), પ્રશ્ન, سوا...